Thanks for taking the time to check out some of my favorite photographs. I hope you enjoy them as much as I've enjoyed taking them. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment, good or bad. Nobody ever got any better without a little constructive criticism!

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Photography Unraveled


Ever had the experience where you want to rip your camera apart when you have a blurry picture of your active child? Ever wonder why your subjects sometimes look jaundice? And what the heck is RAW? There is so much to know about photography in order to get the images you want, even if you're a casual shooter taking snapshots of your family and friends, and unfortunately, there's also a lack of simple, easy to understand, and most importantly, FREE resources out there. If you'd like some answers to these, and many more questions, check out my other blog, Photography Unraveled. My goal with this blog is to use my experience from working in a camera store and shooting pictures (some as a hobby, some as a business) to help everyone from the "Soccer Mom" to the "Hobbyist" get the images they've always wanted. Check it out!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Out of Categories

So I've run out of ideas for groups of pictures to clump together.  Maybe more will come later.  But for now I think I'll post only one or two pictures at once and take a little more time to tell the story behind the pictures.

Thank you for your comments, and especially your compliments.  It means a lot coming from my friends and family whom I love and respect.  I know it's kind of a shot in the dark, but if you ever see a picture you think you would like a print of, let me know, I'd be happy to send you the file.  I believe art really should be shared more.  Of course, if I ever make money off of my photography, my view on that might change :0

1 comment:

Tawny said...

Those are awesome! You could totally be professional. Good job! I love the one of Rachel's bro. on Coronado Island.