Thanks for taking the time to check out some of my favorite photographs. I hope you enjoy them as much as I've enjoyed taking them. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment, good or bad. Nobody ever got any better without a little constructive criticism!
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Photography Unraveled
Ever had the experience where you want to rip your camera apart when you have a blurry picture of your active child? Ever wonder why your subjects sometimes look jaundice? And what the heck is RAW? There is so much to know about photography in order to get the images you want, even if you're a casual shooter taking snapshots of your family and friends, and unfortunately, there's also a lack of simple, easy to understand, and most importantly, FREE resources out there. If you'd like some answers to these, and many more questions, check out my other blog, Photography Unraveled. My goal with this blog is to use my experience from working in a camera store and shooting pictures (some as a hobby, some as a business) to help everyone from the "Soccer Mom" to the "Hobbyist" get the images they've always wanted. Check it out!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Salt Lake Temple
Here are two non-traditional pictures of the Salt Lake Temple. The first abstract one is the reflection of the temple in the reflection pool (imagine that).
that first one looks like a temple in Thailand or something. I really like that second one. There can be so many meanings in it...the freedoms we enjoy one being the freedom of religion. The truth of the gospel and the need for our country to have more truth/morals etc... I could go on...but I just think it is a beautiful picture.
I really like the second picture. As you know, our family is very patriotic and it is good to see a piocture like that. It somehow makes me feel complete as a citizen and daughter of God. I am so greatful for the freedoms that we enjoy to worship as we choose.
Wow, I didn't know about this blog, so I am so glad you left a comment on mine. I knew you were good, but it is fun to see just how good you are! It is a skill I wish I had.
Hi--I somehow just came accross your blog and was so impressed! You take beautiful pictures! I too am a hobby photographer--not NEARLY as talented..but working on it! :)
Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent! If you don't mind, I will add you to my list of photo blogs on my link list--if that's not okay, let me know and I will take it off!
CONTACT ME: If you'd like to contact me about my photography, please email me at I do portraits of any sort; weddings, family, senior, baby, and am also willing to sell prints of my landscapes.
that first one looks like a temple in Thailand or something. I really like that second one. There can be so many meanings in it...the freedoms we enjoy one being the freedom of religion. The truth of the gospel and the need for our country to have more truth/morals etc...
I could go on...but I just think it is a beautiful picture.
I really like the second picture. As you know, our family is very patriotic and it is good to see a piocture like that. It somehow makes me feel complete as a citizen and daughter of God. I am so greatful for the freedoms that we enjoy to worship as we choose.
They're both beautiful, but I love the second one. There are so many meanings in that shot and I'm so grateful for every one of them!
Wow, I didn't know about this blog, so I am so glad you left a comment on mine. I knew you were good, but it is fun to see just how good you are! It is a skill I wish I had.
Hi--I somehow just came accross your blog and was so impressed! You take beautiful pictures! I too am a hobby photographer--not NEARLY as talented..but working on it! :)
Thanks for sharing your wonderful talent! If you don't mind, I will add you to my list of photo blogs on my link list--if that's not okay, let me know and I will take it off!
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