I love photographing kids. I think one of the main reasons that I do is because they make it so easy to get beautiful pictures. They're naturally happy, and they are generally uninhibited in front of the camera. Adults are so concerned about what they're going to look like, that when you look at pictures of them, they look like.......they are so concerned about what they're going to look like. This little girl is all smiles, and all personality. I tried to capture mostly pictures of her smiling, but she had so many different faces that I had to try to capture some of them. Hence, the final picture in this series.
For those of you doing photography from your home, let it be said that these pictures were achieved by using the light that was coming through a window, and draping a white sheet over a tall piece of furniture for the background. The lens I used doesn't cost more than $120 as well. It's very easily done. Just make sure that there aren't any ugly shadows coming from your blinds, or the window pane.