Thanks for taking the time to check out some of my favorite photographs. I hope you enjoy them as much as I've enjoyed taking them. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment, good or bad. Nobody ever got any better without a little constructive criticism!

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Photography Unraveled


Ever had the experience where you want to rip your camera apart when you have a blurry picture of your active child? Ever wonder why your subjects sometimes look jaundice? And what the heck is RAW? There is so much to know about photography in order to get the images you want, even if you're a casual shooter taking snapshots of your family and friends, and unfortunately, there's also a lack of simple, easy to understand, and most importantly, FREE resources out there. If you'd like some answers to these, and many more questions, check out my other blog, Photography Unraveled. My goal with this blog is to use my experience from working in a camera store and shooting pictures (some as a hobby, some as a business) to help everyone from the "Soccer Mom" to the "Hobbyist" get the images they've always wanted. Check it out!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Wind & Sea

Once again, Sunny San Diego lends itself to beautiful photographic places. While on my trip, I made it to the beach. The beach is named 'Wind & Sea', and is in scenic La Jolla. There are huge boulders on the beach that have had waves and wind pounding them for who knows how long. There are all sorts of caves and formations because of it that are fun to explore in and shoot pictures of. I was fortunate to have my wife and child on the trip with me, which made the beach even more fun. The best part about it is that where I live, it was freezing cold and snowing while I was romping around on the beach with my family with no shoes on!

My child's feet in the sand. It was fun to see her experience the beach. It's her second time there, but my first time there with her. We had a lot of fun chasing seagulls and being chased by the tide!

I have to give my wife credit for this silhouette picture. I also have to give her credit for introducing me to photography. She's been doing it for a lot longer than I have, and has taught me a lot tips and tricks that I use all the time. It's great to share our love of photography. (Plus, it's a lot easier to justify purchasing expensive equipment!)

This one is probably my favorite that I shot here. This is one of those formations from years and years of erosion. It's also one of my first experiments with HDR (High Dynamic Range). For those of you not familiar with the concept, it's a post-processing principle used by photographers to even out the exposure on high contrast scenes. It's hard to capture a scene the way you would like when it has really dark shadows, and extremely bright areas. You either have to expose for one or the other. Your camera can't do both. You basically take two pictures of the same thing, one exposing for the bright areas, the other exposing for the dark areas, and then blend them together in Photoshop. In this picture, the sunlight on the right wall was quite bright, but the back of the cave was extremely dark. I wasn't happy with the way my exposures were turning out. Generally, I'm not a fan of it. I don't like to take it to the extreme. However, in a case like this, where it just takes a little to make a subtle difference, and you really can't tell, I'll use it. However, I'm not about to take credit for setting the perfect exposure. I'll always admit when I use it.

Balboa Park

I recently returned from a trip to San Diego. While there, I followed some great advice from a family member to go photograph Balboa Park. It's a beautiful park with lots of mission style architecture. It's the kind of place that you need to return to often to get the really good photographs. It was my first time there, so I didn't even know where to start, and I had little time, so I was hurried, which is never good for photography. I had a ton of fun though. If anybody out there is in San Diego and would like a good place to shoot, I'd highly recommend it.

You can get a taste of the beautiful architecture that's all around this place from this picture and the one below. I wish that there weren't quite so many people there. The picture below would have been much better without them. I get the feeling that I'd have to go early on a weekday to be more alone. Lots of tourists at this place.

Tried some fun, long exposure, night photography. I wished I could have stayed later to do more, but I had a schedule to keep.

I love the contrast of the warm tones in the bottom right half, with the cool tones in the upper left. It's definitely the colors in this photo that make it .

I was fascinated with all of the long corridors. They run the entire length of the main section of the park. This photo was taken as the sun was pretty much set. I wish that there would have been more natural light. That just gives me a good excuse to go back one day, right?