I've lived in Utah since I was eight and have always loved all the awesome hiking trails, campgrounds, and wilderness areas. Growing up, I spent all my time on the mountains in Davis County, but for whatever reason never really was introduced to the great canyons and trails in Salt Lake County and other places. Now that I'm an adult and work down the street from Big Cottonwood Canyon, I'm discovering a whole new world full of photographic opportunities.
I recently discovered that Albion Basin (drive up Little Cottonwood Canyon, past Alta Ski resort until the road ends) comes to life late in July/early August with thousands of colorful wildflowers. It's a short, and mild, one mile hike to Cecret Lake. Just hiking this trail would hardly take me any time at all, but with all the photos waiting to be taken, I spent a good three hours to do the 2 mile roundtrip hike. You can see in the pictures how breathtaking the wildflowers are, and I even missed the peak of the wildflower bloom. I'll head back next Spring a little earlier and hopefully get an even bigger dose of wildflowers.