Thanks for taking the time to check out some of my favorite photographs. I hope you enjoy them as much as I've enjoyed taking them. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment, good or bad. Nobody ever got any better without a little constructive criticism!

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Photography Unraveled


Ever had the experience where you want to rip your camera apart when you have a blurry picture of your active child? Ever wonder why your subjects sometimes look jaundice? And what the heck is RAW? There is so much to know about photography in order to get the images you want, even if you're a casual shooter taking snapshots of your family and friends, and unfortunately, there's also a lack of simple, easy to understand, and most importantly, FREE resources out there. If you'd like some answers to these, and many more questions, check out my other blog, Photography Unraveled. My goal with this blog is to use my experience from working in a camera store and shooting pictures (some as a hobby, some as a business) to help everyone from the "Soccer Mom" to the "Hobbyist" get the images they've always wanted. Check it out!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Portraits are my Favorite

I've had a lot of fun lately. I've had a couple opportunities to do some portraits. I think my favorite type of pictures to take are portraits. Landscapes are cool, but portraits mean so much more because of the emotional attachment we can have with the people in the picture. They're much more challenging to get right though, because your subject doesn't stay still, and changes each time the shutter opens. The challenge is part of what makes it so fun for me though. Hope you enjoy!

Babies....who doesn't love a cute picture of a baby?

I don't know what it is about feet that makes this picture so fun....feet are weird that way.

I had a blast taking this couple's engagement pictures. We thought we were in for some Fall foliage, but instead, got some Winter wetness. In my opinion, they turned out better with the snow than how they probably would have turned out with an Autumn backdrop.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Big Cottonwood Canyon

God must have known that I would get into photography one day. I think that's why I ended up in Utah. What better place to be a landscape photographer?! Utah Falls are one of my favorite times of year to get out there and shoot. These pictures were taken up Big Cottonwood Canyon one evening after work. It's only a five minute drive from where I work. It really can't get any better than that.

I almost walked right by these leaves until I saw the water droplets that were resting so perfectly. I've always wanted to take a picture like this, but have always wanted it to be a scene that happened naturally. I've tried manipulating things myself to set it up, but it never looks....natural. I was pretty excited that I finally stumbled upon such a scene!

Hidden Falls

This one is definitely my favorite of the bunch, and has become one of my favorite pictures I've taken yet. I love the contrast of the yellow leaves and the bright green moss.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Fall 2008

Leaf in Water at Lake Martha, Big Cottonwood Canyon

Aspens on Guardsman's Pass, Big Cottonwood Canyon

Fall Reflection on Lake Martha, Big Cottonwood Canyon

Lake Mary

On the Trail to Lake Mary

Aspens on Guardsman's Pass, Big Cottonwood Canyon

More Aspens on Guardsman's Pass, Big Cottonwood Canyon

It's been a while since I went out shooting just for fun, which is partly why I haven't posted for a while. I know at least once a year I'll get out and shoot though, a photographer can never pass up shooting in the Fall, especially when Nikon offers free reign to shoot with any camera and any lens for a day. I took out the new Nikon D700 and went up Big Cottonwood Canyon and Guardsman's Pass to get my annual Fall foliage shots. Hope you enjoy!